It happened quite some time ago, just about a week before the Project Finals. My group (Tzehou, Jiajie and Daniel) and I went to a tuition centre to introduce our project about Peranakan as part of our resource package (Cat 7) . The tuition centre were located at the top floor of Causeway Point and it was our second time there.
We were called in to the office where I think the lady we met in there was the in-charge of the tuition centre. She showed us our email to the tuition centre with several highlighted points in it. The time the email was received was at Monday 12am++. I was rather appalled by the fact since I thought that the email was sent days ago. (that day was Tuesday)The in-charge seemed very displeased at the fact that we showed no consideration to the tuition centre at all. She lamented that we should sent the email 3 days earlier. Tze Hou was apologetic since he was the one who sent the email. Whoever, the in-charge carried on by saying that Tze Hou's mother has contacted the tuition centre and requested for a slot in the schedule. At this point of the conversation, the whole group was utterly shocked as it was not known to anyone of us. (including Tze Hou) It seemed that Tze Hou's mother has act without informing him. In the end we get a lecture from her about our irresponsibility and other faults such as sending an email without leaving the contact number.
I felt that we should really be thoroughly ashamed of ourselves as both of the in-charge's sons were from Hwa Chong and we agreed that this should not be how students from a prestigious school should behave. We have learnt several lessons through this minor setback and I realized that sometimes we learnt more outside the school itself. Responsibility proved to be an extremely important attribute in co-operation with people of different walks of life. It is certainly something we cannot live without in our life.